Infection Control Policy Assignment

Assignment Requirements


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Infection Control Policy Assignment Last Name:


Create an infection control policy and procedure for staff and/or life support equipment in the midst of an infectious disease crisis. Include:

  • Isolation requirements for the specific organism,
  • Sterilization requirements for the equipment,
  • Staffing requirements (ex: one-to-one RT: patient staffing)
  • PPE requirements
  • Requirements for reporting to management, risk management, and infection control departments.


At the end of your policy, include a paragraph describing how you would implement your policy.


Write your P&P in the format used at your facility for policies. Use at least 3 sources in your creation of the policy and procedure; one may be from the institution from where you work. Use APA format for thereferences list.






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Include the term Policy and your First Name when saving your file. Example: Policy_David.rtf
Upload your completed document using the Browse button, and then click the Submit button.



Points Possible: 45

25 points for content, based on requirements listed above

10 points for implementation plan

5 points APA format

5 points writing mechanics


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