Secured Information Systems

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Once organizations have identified the main risks to their systems, they should develop a security policy to protect the company’s assets.


This week for your project, you will be creating a proposed security policy for the online grocery store that you selected. For your assignment, you will need to do the following:


  • Describe some of the possible risks to the store’s security system.
  • Draft a security policy that addresses the risks, identifies security goals, and discusses strategies for achieving those goals.
  • Discuss some of the ethical and potential legal issues for the company and how the security measures that you’ve outlined will help to minimize those issues.
  • Your paper should be a minimum of 3 full pages long.

*Remember to use proper tone in your paper. You are speaking from a “consultant” point of view. Your audience is the Leadership Team for the online grocery store.


*Make sure to write your paper utilizing proper APA formatting guidelines, and to include an APA formatted title page.