Demand and Supply in a product market and apply it in the REAL world

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Demand and Supply in a product market and apply it in the REAL world

You are going to use all that you have learned about Demand and Supply in a product market and apply it in the REAL world.
Pick a product market (and even a particular product brand within the market) and discuss specifically the following:

• Aspects of the demand side of the product market: the product’s customer demographics (race, age, gender, ethnicity, region of country/globe, etc.); customer income; target market (domestic and/or global); available substitutes/competitors in product market; complements to your product; impact of macro conditions; ANY recent changes in any of the above.

• Aspects of the supply side of the product market: production (resource costs and availability); transportation (mode; costs); distribution (brick and mortar; internet); testing (quality control; government regulations); marketing (how, where); market environment (current, future competition; entry of new competitors); ANY recent changes in any of the above