International Business

Assignment Requirements


I want you to make a project about:
Islamic Finance
10 pages

I want you to make a project about:

Islamic Finance

More important (Islamic Finance in Dubai – Saudi Arabia – Bahrain – Malaga)

Use the Chapter (I upload) to guide you




Using: Use these steps in the project that you will make:


1-   The Five-Forces Model

2-   Industry Analysis: Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)

3-   Integration Strategies

4-   Intensive Strategies

5-   SWOT Matrix

6-   (BCG Matrix) Boston Consulting Group Matrix


Please follow this steps, you will find all these steps in the chapter that I upload


–         Put the charts and matrix and then write analysis ok


–         At least 10 pages

If you have any questions please let me know (write a massage for me) ok thanks


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