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Situation Analysis outline
one page only find a company accord with all requirements below and list a outline out. with references. Students use the same business throughout the course (unless approved by the instructor). The Situation Analysis for the assigned company is the first component of the marketing plan that students will develop. They will gain an understanding of the chosen business’ current situation by reviewing the business%u0432%u0402%u2122s category, customer, competitors, and the company. The Situation Analysis will use tools such as the PEST and SWOT analysis. Students may request a team for each of the plan assignments but teams are optional. The references and paper should be written in APA style. Situation Analysis: Students will address the 4 Cs of the marketing environment, company, customer, competitors, and climate/category including: %u0432%u0402%u045E Socio-cultural factors Components % of Grade Style and Mechanics 10% PEST Analysis 20% SWOT Analysis 15% Competitive Analysis 15% Market Demographics, Size, Scope and Readiness 20% Company objectives and culture 10% References 10% TOTAL 100% |