Assignment Requirements
Structure of the paper (30-35 pages, double space, font 11 or 12, Word document)
Proposal (3-5 pages) includes introduction (literature review with citation), methodology, expected outcome and reference. You can submit the proposal first to let me have a look then we can discuss that whether the hypothesis and test are appropriate.
• Title Page
• Table of Contents listing the following section headings with page numbers. Include subsections if necessary.
• Section 1. Introduction 2-3 pages, this serves as the summary, so write it the last;
• Section 2. Literature review: 4-5 pages, review only the relevant literature that ties in with your own methodology. At the end of the review, discuss what has not been done. This will lead to your methodology;
• Section 3. Your methodology and data collection: 3-4 pages: what your model is and where you obtained your data. Note that sentences need to change to past tense from the proposal to recognize the fact that you’ve conducted the analysis.
• Section 4. Your result 10-20 pages: what you discovered, and how it extends to the existing literature;
• Section 5. Conclusion 2-3 pages: inference and suggestion for future studies;
Section 6. Reference: citation of what source you used including published paper (name of journal, volume and page numbers), or websites (links).
In this research paper, I want to focus on the relationship between IFRS and goodwill accounting, do not just introduce each part independently. You should make a model test based on the data collected by you own (survey or company’s annual report) to support your hypothesis and research question. The test should be made exact to sufficiently support the research question. Each sentence or paragraph should be paraphrased if it’s cited from other papers.
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