What role should religion play in shaping the broader moral ethos around sex and sexuality today?

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We have some specific instructions from our prof the course is sexual ethics and we have four ways to write the essay as outlined by our prof and we are required to reference four or more readings from our syllabus i can email or attach some of the readings.The guidelines instruct you to narrow your essay to a particular issue in sexual ethics as it relates to a specific religious tradition. Write your essay addressing the general question about the role of religion in public discourse on sexual ethics and use a particular issue and a specific religious tradition as case studies or examples to flesh out your argument. In this case, for example, you might only write a paragraph (6 or 7 lines) directly related to a specific religious tradition because that is all the space your essay requires to make connection Or Write your essay on a particular issue (e.g., marriage, abortion, pornography, etc.) and do similarly to what was discussed above (u can use the case study example with relig